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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Pechewa An American Odyssey by Tess Kincaid

I read this novel in April.  Very good writing and a true glimpse of the author's family roots.  

I left this review on Amazon:  " Absolutely enjoyed this novel. Good solid writing throughout. I had long forgotten some of the things from midwest childhood days back ago such as minnows in the creeks , tadpoles, words that were common to me as a child and so long forgotten about. I chuckled reading about those lawn jockeys! Memories surfaced immediately . A good book can do that. I learned somethings too, such as the origin of the term "Hoosier." There were some descriptives I found amusing and original such as "Walmart Picasso" and "brunetteitude. " Nostalgic to read about someone visiting her elderly grandfather as I had similar experiences with my elderlies relatives in PA. Reading along I was rooting for Peachy and was convinced all would be right. As a good read, it has a double twist at the end which I did not expect. I do not want to give away any of the intrigue with spoilers.  

One thing I found odd was no page numbers in the book, fortunately it is not massive but I like to make notes and usually just reference the page numbers. So with this I tore pink postits and staggered them in the book.

 And what was her name?"   I realized at the end  of the novel that I did not know the name of the woman  visiting her grandfather in Indiana and through whom the story unfolded. I was reading along enjoying the memories from so long ago in my life and didn't think about her name.  

Published 2024 by the  author who now lives in England.  I became acquainted with Tess years ago through online blogs.  We are still connected often through Facebook posts.  Besides the things I mentioned on my  Amazon review there is  a wondrous description of a feral hog in Chapter 5.  
Peachy has acquired a copy of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" that will accompany him through his war journey.  This book has several references to" Leaves ...."and opens with a quote from it.  Tess, the author is a poet too so it is not unusual that she would find a way to include poetic.  

Pechewa finds a friend in Ras who is killed in battle.  

The novel has history and an ending I could not have predicted.  Truly a 5 *****.  Well done, Tess Kincaid!

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