Read between October and November, could not wait to finish it, but things kept interfering.. First published in hardback in 2004, I read the paperback, 464 pages. A very outstanding Jack Reacher novel, maybe one of the best, difficult to tell because I like them all. I thought a lot of late friend Nevin who introduced me to this series with Running Blind in 2018. It was the first one I read and also is published as The Visitor. But The Enemy has extensive narrative and descriptions about the Army, political in fighting between divisions particularly Armored and Infantry, much description about Army protocols and traditions. It begins as Reacher in on duty in his new post at Ft. Bird, North Carolina where he was suddenly, reassigned from Panama to his surprise. At the same time several other similar ranking MP's are simultaneously reassigned. and his commanding officer, Colonel Leon Garber, ,as well. A reduction in the military force that will of course affect the Army sets the political infighting ablaze. As it begins Reacher is called about a dead two star General Kramer found dead in a motel It will turn out Reacher is being set up, but by who and why. The replacement commander is a longtime bureaucrat and Joe warns Jack about him. A striving young lieutenant Summer is assigned to work with him and becomes his right hand helper and cohort. g
Page 3, " The army is a big institution, a little bigger than Detroit, a little smaller than Dallas and just as unsentimental as either place. Current active strength is 930,000 men and women and they are as representative of the general American population as you can get." .
Reacher is contacted by his brother Joe and learns their mother, a widow, who lives in Paris is dying so they make plans to visit. She does die in this novel and they learn something about her past and activity in WWII in the resistance as a very young girl that they never knew. It is another interesting tale within a tale, woven into the main story with expertise by the author.. Page 97, conversation between their mother the the Reacher brothers, "Won't you miss us , Mom?" "Wrong question, she said, I'll be dead. I won't be missing anything. It's you that will be missing me. Like I miss your father. Like I miss him. Like I miss my father and mother and grandparents. It is a part of life, missing the dead."
Maybe because of where I am in my personal grieving of the passing of Jerry last year but the writing in this novel struck me with the philosophy about accepting death. It is something we do as survivors. Page 363, " Life was unfolding the same way it always had for everyone. Sooner or later you ended up an orphan. There was no escaping it. It had happened that way for a thousand generations. No pont in getting all upset about it."
Pages 311- 315 about future wars/conflicts and theory, history. "You know who has done the most for the country? Who? Not Armored, Not the infantry.. The theater is all about the Army Corps of Engineers. Sherman tanks way back weighed 38 tons and were 9 feet wide. Now we're all the way down to the MIAI Abrams, which weighs 70 tons and is 11 feet wide. Every step of the way for 40 years the Corps of Engineers has had work to do. They've widened roads, hundreds of miles of them, all over ?West Germany. They've strengthened bridges. Hell they've built roads and bridges. Dozens of them. You want a stream of 70 ton tanks rolling east to battle, you better make damn sure the roads and bridges can take it."
It takes Reacher going AWOL with Summers, defying orders, forging travel voucher to fly to Germany and back and to CA and back to solve the crime of who plotted and who killed the General, his wife, his lovers...There is a strange twist with the sexual relationships as Reacher learns the General was gay. They must find proof and solve the mystery to clear themselves. Reacher ends up being demoted from Major to Captain at his own choice, when investigated by JAG over all another surprise for me at the ending of the novel. This is easily a 5*****.
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