A book sale find which has been on my to be read shelf a year or so, Gerald Ford's autobiography of his time in the White House, published in 1979. Back then, I was very annoyed that he pardoned Richard Nixon, but came to understand later that it was the right thing to do in hopes that the country could move forward and he as the new president could begin to set in place policies to improve the economy. There is a full detail of his controversial decision to pardon Nixon and the bizarre behind the scenes negotiations between Washington and San Clemente, between the new and the fallen President.
Reading this 442 page hardback is now like reading a history book of that trying time and as I have come to admire Gerald Ford over years, reading this in his own words, gave me a breadth of understanding that I never had before of the turmoil he faced. He was a very decent man, honorable and never dreamed of being president, in fact his aspiration was to become Speaker of the House. He describes his political battles while in Congress, and his long hours as House Minority leader. There is a small part about his very early years and how his natural father appears when he is 16 years old, the hard times the family went through, and his struggle to be accepted by the Yale Law school. Ford was never given the credit he deserved as a man who rose to guide a tattered country. Page 156 describing the growing entitlements and how by 1974, the role of government was shifting from promoting domestic order and maintaining national security to redistribution of income on a massive scale. " More and more people who worked were transferring more and more money to people who didn't work. ...I couldn't abolish those entitlement programs but I could try to put the brakes on their rate of growth."
I had long forgotten that he tried early on to deal with rising crime (pgs. 269-270) adopting the theories of Harvard Professor James Q Wilson, who advocated that crimes should be punished, that the purpose of prison is to punish not to rehab. "The certainty of having to spend a specified time behind bars after being convicted of a serious offense, Wilson maintained, was more important as a deterrent than almost anything else. Finally Wilson worried that the nation's opinion leaders were focusing their concerns on the criminal and not on the victims of criminal acts."
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Throughout the narrative he describes his amazement at the partisan politics that had begun to fiercely dominate the country, his disbelief because he thought he had friends on both sides. Yet inspite of defeats he never blames anyone nor becomes bbitter, how different from those today who do only blaming. On pages 296-8, he details his decision to run for president rather than retiring as he had intended to do before he became President and the rise of the Reagan candidacy. There is quite a bit of depth about the Reagan race and from reading I can easily see that Ford was not fond of Reagan, was not a fan and believed he was a one liner, with no accomplishments. I wonder what he would think today. This is the essence of a good book to me, read with the background of history, a history I lived thru; I gained new insights and greater understanding of that time and how we got to where we are today. The discussion about the problems with Solzhenitsyn brought a flash back to an era I had also forgotten. The Chinese, Chairman Mao himself warned Ford about the Russian threat in years to come, it has materialized. On pages 338-341, the descriptions of the nation's pending issues and the legislation that he sent to Congress and the political maneuvers that thwarted much of what he attempted is ponderous, he wrestles with vetoes and issues that could have been resolved way back then except for the extremism that arose.
Page 346, "In many respects I had all the liabilities of an incumbent President and few advantages. ..Occasionally in making up my mind whether to sign or veto a bill I had appeared to be indecisive. The Common Situs Picketing bill was a perfect example." This struggle with labor unions, congress, and members of his cabinet makes fascinating historical reading now. Yet how far the country has traveled down the downward slope since Ford's presdency. Reading this book shows how history becomes predictable. Page 346, " "A great nation cannot escape its responsibilities. Responsibilities abandoned today will return as more acute crises tomorrow." Flash forward today with the wreck Obama is continuing to make of this country, especially with the Iran nuclear deal, creating absolute crises and likely nuclear war in the future.
I rate this book 4 stars, some details are tedious but my depth of understanding of governmental operations, policy implications and legislation handily contributed to my appreciation of the work. Once again my 34 years career in state government is beneficial. Still one could skim some of the detail and still appreciate the history conveyed, written then but enjoyable reading now.