As the novel begins Michelle Chang has left Reacher, Page 1, "He had seen such notes before. They all said the same thing. Either directly or indirectly. Chang's note was indirect. And more elegant than most. Not in terms of presentation. It was a ballpoint scrawl on motel notepaper gone wavy with a damp. But elegant in terms of expression. She had used a simile to explain and flatter and apologize all at once. She had written, "You're like New York City. I love to visit, but I could never live there." He did what he always did. He let her go. He understood. No apology required. He couldn't live anywhere. His whole life was a visit."

Pages 11-12 have classic description about motorcycle riders, an abundant group through these parts and across the midwest especially in the spring, summer and fall months. "Bikers were as split as Baptists. All the same, but different. "
Page 282, "Reacher was not a superstitious man. Not given to flights of fancy or sudden forebodings or existential dread of any kind. But he woke with the dawn and he stayed in bed. He felt unwilling to move.....Sometimes you woke up and you knew for sure from history and experience and weary intuition that the brand new day would bring nothing good at all."
Another 5 ***** read.