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Friday, February 14, 2025

Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan

 I started reading this one  December 28 and finished it January 19, so it is my first read of 2025I am a fan of CS Lewis and recently have been trying to read through various of his classics as I have time.  This is a new author to me and one I will want to read more by because I absolutely enjoyed this.  It is historical fiction, based on the life of American writer, poet, Joy Davidson and her love story spanning decades with CS Lewis.  I knew nothing of her before reading this, then realized she was the reason he wrote A Grief Observed.  .This expanded edition, published in 2020 is 192 pages ending in an Epilogue.  The author also has notes, acknowledgements,  2 pages  of "10 things you probably didn't know about Joy Davidson and CS" (the last 3 questions appear below in  this post) and some discussion questions for those who are reading in a group.  I will add this book to the collection of CS Books on my shelf, it's a keeper.  And a 5 ***** read..  

It opens with a prologue in 1926 when the family lived in Bronx, New York. Joy's father, of Ukrainian descent is a teacher who demands perfection and is harsh.  At the age of only 11 she is already a sophomore, but never good enough for him.  At night she and her 7 year old brother sneak out and go to the Bronx Zoo where she pets a lion. Chapter 1 begins in 1946 in Ossining, NewYork....."The world it changes in an instant.  I've seen it over and over the way which peopleforge through the days believing they have it all figured out, protected inside a safe life.  Yet there is no figuring life out, or any way that protects us from the tragedies of the heart."  In a quick summary Joy has been an atheist, then converted skeptical Christian and married to Bill in a tumultuous marriage.  He is an alcoholic and abusive, a cheater, but she tries to persevere.  She write to CS and in 1950 he answers her letter from England.  This was back when people wrote letters.  This begins years of contact as penpals, becoming friends.  Joy will go to England alone in 1952 leaving her two sons behind with her husband, their father and her cousin who had come to live with them.  She is not in the best of health and hopes to recuperate while staying with a friend and continuing to write. She will meet CS in person.   Ultimately she will return to America, her visa is expired.  But she will divorce Bill and return to England with her sons.  She will have deep personal friendship with CS and his brother Warnie.  They will ultimately marry but keep it a secret of sorts and continue to live separately. As a divorced woman, she was not acceptable to the Church of England.   Joy will become ill and in the hospital they will marry again, the ceremony prepared by a priest and former student of CS, making it legal  in the eyes of the church.  She will never return to the US and CS will ultimately adopt her sons as his own. 

The author will reference this as  "the improbable love story" and after reading this, I couldn't have said it better.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

4 Diane Capri: Jack in Box, Get Back Jack, Jack and Joe, Deep Cover Jack

I discovered this series and author this year and read the first one in May, Don't Know Jack.  

Back cover, Jack in a Box
 Posting the 4 more Diane Capri Jack books I have read this year.  Just finished Deep Cover Jack last night which will conclude my reading this series.  The stories are just not holding my interest as FBI agents Kim Otto and Carlos Gaspar continue on their strange off the books assignment from Charles Cooper to find Jack Reacher.  The stories are ok but require me recalling the  specific characters and situations from previous Reacher novels that are intertwined in these books.  The writing is good but for some reason I am just not gripped.  The last one  took me several months as I kept setting it aside and reading something else.  I was not intrigued enough to read it all through.  Had to make myself finish it.  I have copied the front and back covers here of each.   Jack in a Box is a short story, not a novel, only 56 pages, I read it in June.  Otto's mother, Sen Li, is Vietnamese and her father, Captain Luther Otto a West Point graduate of . German ancestry. 

Pg 12 repeats advice from Sun Li, that  becomes Kim's mantra,   used in the first book and will throughout the series   "when there's only 1 choice, it's the right choice." Otto like Jack Reacher is a black coffee addict.  

I read Get Back Jack in July.
Back Cover Jack and Joe

Get Back Jack Back cover

It reflects back to the Reacher novel, 
Bad Luck and Trouble, and brings in
 Frances Neagley to help get
 hostages back from  a cartel.  
348 pages. 

The third one is Jack and Joe, read in August and as the title suggests involves something about Reacher's brother Joe, a treasury  agent, deceased. 237 pages. 
Page 5, Chapter One on an Airbus flight, Otto never really overcomes a nervousness about flying. "  The Airbus's wings rocked and we hit the ground with a hard thud and couple bounces, but we made it. And I believed the danger
had passed.  But you never see the disaster that gets you."  

The 4th and last novel 275 pages is  "Deep Cover Jack." It brings in Susan Duffy as Gaspar and Otto are tasked to Cape Abbott, Maine.  That was the setting in a Reacher novel for contraband smuggling by a rug merchant.  Duffy now at ATF and on shaky career terms, is intent to keep on the case and her friend Teresa Justice who  has gone missing inside the house.  Teresa believed there was human trafficking going on.  Branch now works for private security and formerly was in ATF with Duffy. Finally in this novel, Kim is beginning to get  distrustful of Charles Cooper after warnings from others,.  Pg 265, " "Villanueva scowled, knowing full well by now who'd been on that line, Charles Cooper.  He muttered, " I wouldn't trust that viper if he was the man bringing my last meal on death row."  "Amen to that" Branch and Duffy said simultaneously.  Gaspar said nothing but Kim could hear his "I told you so" ringing in her ears anyway.  He'd never trusted the Boss.  But she had, in the beginning.  "  

  And for reference here on 2 pages is Lee Child's endorsement of the Diane Capri Hunt for Reacher Series.  

Monday, November 18, 2024

Tripwire by Lee Child

Published in June 199,but I just acquired this at a book sale and read it in September 2024.  This is a phenomenal early Jack Reacher tale, paperback, 401 pages. Reacher is fit, he's been working digging  he feels in the best shape of his life, pg 10, "Like a condom crammed with walnuts." He has been working digging swimming pools in Key West by day and as a bouncer at night at Costello's bar.  Only that night some strangers come trying to get entrance and Costello is found beaten to a pulp with alll 10 of his fingertips sliced off.  Meantime another investigator is trying to find Reacher at the request of a Mrs Jacobs.  She turns out to be Jodie, Leon Garber's daughter and needs to find him because Leon has left his house to him. Jodie and Reacher had mutual crushes on each other way back, but Reacher ignored that urge, she was too young for him and Leon's delighter.  She is now divorced and a successful  attorney. 

This has twists and turns as every Reacher novel.  The parallel story of grieving elderly parents for their presumed dead Army soldier only son, Hook Hobie.  He was a devoted son but the army will not recognize him as a hero,.  Didn't he die in Vietnam in the crash of the helicopter?  This parallel mystery will present the most vicious enemy Reacher has encountered.  Hook Hobie ii a vicious rfinancial lender and now has Lester Holt captive, he plans to collect his debt which Holt cannot pay.  Soon his wife will be captured with him as Hobie schemes to acquire all their assets.  Can this really be their son ignoring his parents completely and how will Reacher get involved in this?. 

Back Cover of Tripwire

 I was puzzled, would Reacher keep Garber's house and settle down?  Doubted it because there have been several more Reacher novels following this.  

This is another 5 ***** read.  I'm glad I finally found and read it.  It goes on my shelf now with all the othe Reacher books.  

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Have You Seen Luis Velez by Catherine Ryan Hyde


I read this novel early August 2024.  It is a paperback, 307 pages, published in 2019.  The writing is good and clkear.  It is a very delightful, heart warming tale about an elderly blind woman Mildred Guterman, who lives alone and has no family in an apartment building.  In the same  building Raymond Jaffee, a teenage boy who is totally alone in the his mother's new family. One day as Mildred calls ouit from her apartment, "Have you seen Luis Velez?"  Raymond stops and there begins unlikely friendship that will change and enhance both their lives.  This novel reflects the wisdom of the parable of doing something to help others and thereby helping yourself beyond expectations.  

Mildred had help from Luis who has vanished and she has no way of contacting him.  She does not like to go out on the streets alone with her white cane so Raymond begins to accompany her to the bank, to errands.  Ultimately Raymond begins a quest to search for this missing Luis, using only the phone book which has many by that name., 

Pg 78-79:  "Because I have lived 92 years, Raymond, and if there's one thing I can tell you, it's that we are never as unique as we think we are.  We are all people.  Sure, some things will be different from one person to the next.  Some people have more of those feelings than others. Some have too much, and it causes all manner of havoc.  Some have none at all.
But I can tell you this as a human being whose had a lot of experience being one:  "If you're feeling something other people in other places are feeling it too.""

Ultimately he finds Luis' young pregnant widow Isabel and their children.  Raymond learns Luis was murdered and the trial is coming up.  He brings her to meet Mildred so she will have resolution knowing what happened to Luis and that he did not abandon her.  Isabel had no way to contact her and was concerned too despite all her problems. 

This excerpt pg 157, on living after loss and a long life are wisdom from Mildred:

This is a 5 ***** read

Monday, November 11, 2024

The Jigsaw Priest by Margaret Belle

           This is the second book I have ordered and read by Margaret Belle and it is even better than the first one, The Granddaughters which was also very good.  The author develops wonderful characters and has a unique ability to hold a story line while weaving other stories of characters in the novel through it.  Very well written and I enjoyed every page.  This is excellent fiction mystery about the town priest Father Doyle, town characters  in the town of Graves End New York.    

 The novel begins describing Father Doyle is  writing his mandatory resignation letter due to his age to the Bishop.  Page 1 opens:  


The description of Graves End on pages 24-25:  "Grave's End wasn't your typical flag waving apple pie and mother loving small town where kids grew up playing T-ball and neighbors held backyard barbeques.  It was a piece of Hell itself where men scraped a living out of the soil, settled their arguments with knuckles and guns, and got drunk at the local saloon on Friday nights.  Their wives were just as tough in other ways and could shoot as strait as their husbands."

This continues telling why Dr Benjamin Hall, the only doctor in town and a primary character in the  novel is here. "He was here because God help him it was his hometown.  He had gone away to college, then medical school, done a residence in Syracuse, and like most of the other young adults in Grave's End wanted out. But he was devoted to his father and while he had planned on simply sending money home from wherever he settled, he realized that as his father aged, he would need to be close by and there was no getting around the fact that the town would need a new doctor.  Now his need to stay was nearing an end, but whether he left after his father died or stuck it out until his own retirement he knew it would not be easy to find a new doctor  for the town.  Not easy at all."

Other characters, the town barber is known as OUCH  and Freddy Russett, the town attorney  is known as  Tater.  Dr Hall's father is in his last stages of life.  Jani Dover is in her last month of pregnancy.  It turns out that  she and Dr Hall had an affair and although he wants to marry her and raise the child she is unwilling, wants to leave and  give the child up.  Ms Catherine Crawford has been  the  parish secretary  as long as Father Doyle has been the priest.  

Millie Bean known as The Widow lives alone on her family farm.  pg 13, "Her parents had divorced the Grave's End way meaning Millie and her mother stayed put after her father got tired of farming and took off.  Millie stayed on after her mother passed away and never left. She preferred keeping to herself."   

Gus Gray is an overweight man who keeps trying unsuccessfully to commit suicide and repeatedly confessing his attempted sin to Father Doyle..  Pg 15-16, :  "No wonder people make fun of me, he thought, I can't even figure out how to do myself in.  Gus pulled on his eyebrow as he searched with a great sense of urgency through his late father's tool box."  

All these will weave through the novel with amazing revelations that solve unknown mysteries.   5 **(*** for this well written enjoyable novel.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

2009 Books by Laurie King

Addendum to previous post about this author on my review of Art of Deception.  Blogger would not  allow me to  edit that published post to add these .  As I recall these were good mysteries and di not contain the stuff of Deception.  Posting here for my reference only.  


Art of Deception by Laurie King

For some reason I cannot determine I am unable to merely start writing alongside the image of the book.  So I will just try this as I cannot spend more time trying to figure out WTH Blogger is doing now. 


This book was published in June 2006 but I recently picked it up at a used book sale for $1.  I have read novels by this author in the long ago past.  But after reading this mystery I am no longer interested in any more of her writings. 

Using the fictional character of Sherlock Holmes woven into a modern tale of a San Francisco police detective sounded interesting.  However, it  became too clear the fictional detective, Kate Martinelli is a lesbian in a partnership with her "wife" and together they are raising the wife's child.  Sorry but I am not interested in reading about 2 lesbians no matter the intrigue.  Too much information, culminating with them being the first 2 married in SF.  

The book further spreads the gay life style over the fictional life of Sherlock Holmes.  And describes a fictional group of Sherlockian enthusiasts who gather for dinner to discuss the detective.  This mystery centers on Philip Gilbert's finding  a manuscript  that might have been written by the late Sherlock.  Philip is a devoted fanatic of Holmes. So much that his apartment is done up in Sherlockian decor. and furnishings.  Philip is found dead and the crime investigation begins.  Martinelli will successfully solve this crime with the help of her partner on the force, Al Hawkins.

Inside cover flap

Besides too much gay lifestyle there is continuous description of the Battery area of SF, the Presidio, and oin and on.  I found that boring but kept reading as it did not taqke much concentration and I skimmed a lot of that.  

It could have been an ok mystery but I give this only *** and will not be reading anymore by this author.